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Arsenal Homes/Aways, Neutral Games at Highbury,
Arsenal Pre-War Programmes and Memorabilia FOR SALE
FOOTBALLPROGS.COM is your On-Line Footie Memorabilia Web Resource (established 1999) Welcome to my website, which is run as a hobby. I am a collector of Football Memorabilia (mainly Arsenal programmes) and World Cup stamps. In the course of my collecting I often accumulate duplicates and various surplus items for a range of football clubs. Take a look and if you find something that you want you can buy it at a fixed, specified price without the hassle of bidding or auctions. I may also be prepared to swap items if you have older Arsenal material to trade. This website is regularly updated, so if you don't find anything of interest today please take another look in the near future. The Bearded One takes great care to try and only offer programmes which are in good condition for their age. Any faults are individually listed against each programme.
I am particularly interested in Arsenal programmes from the first world war and earlier. If you have good condition items to sell please Click Here
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UK is:- 07703 793697
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Examples of items currently for sale: 1935/6 Arsenal pre-season practice match programme, 1937/8 West Ham v Tottenham programme